
Showing posts from December, 2021

3D Printing

  WEEK 7 (TUTORIAL)   What is 3D Printing?   3D-Printing is described as Additive Manufacturing. Additive Manufacturing refers to objects built by adding layer-upon-layer of material. The material used can be any type of material, such as plastic, metal or even water-soluble materials such as Polyvinyl Acetate (PVA).   Once a CAD sketch is done, the 3D-Printer reads in data from the G-Code file, made using a slicer software and lays down or adds successive layers of liquid, powder, sheet material or other, in a layer-upon-layer fashion to fabricate a 3D object.   A slicer is a software that slices our CAD drawing into different layers, and these layers will be made so thin that it can be read/ represented as X, Y, Z coordinates information. This will give an output, G-Code file.   Types of 3D Printing technology   1. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)   Also known as Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), it is the most widely used form of 3D Printing at the consum